Free Download | Bobbi DePorter career journey begins on the Hawthorne / Stone Real Estate and Investment. In a short time, he darted into a junior partner of the agency, which then made him a millionaire. He also founded Burklyn Business School that students learn in just 6 weeks of what is taught in business school another 2 years! However, when the storm hit their investment fall until the end. Bobbi almost lost everything. However, this painful loss would make him get Quantum Successnya. In fact, he also conducted SuperCamp, an international program that has been held in various places around the world and attended by more than 40,000 students since its inception in 1982.
Now, Bobbi was President of Quantum Learning Network (QLN) which cover a variety of self-potential development activities. Bobbi DePorter managed to rise from the deep frustration-up to the completion of a thorough-and of the total bankruptcy of international success. He found his inner vision! Throughout the trip, DePorter identify 8 key that will make you find your own inner vision anyway and achieve remarkable success wherever, whenever, and whoever you are.
All 8 keys will help you align your vision in daily life, career, and relationships with other people, so whatever you do becomes more meaningful. With a variety of tools, strategies, and Quantum Success stories in this book, you will adapt much faster, learn better, and never afraid to fail again. Quantum Reach for Your Success: a burst of light that occurs when you found out that your existence has a purpose that is true and real in this world.
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